

We are surrounded by sounds, some pleasant, and quite a few that are not. In order for a product to be accepted by customers, manufacturers must pay close attention to its acoustic signature, both for branding purposes and to limit noise pollution. Engineers must also consider the noise regulations that govern their industry, prior to product release. Problems identified late in development cycle can lead to costly rework and a delayed product launch.

To improve the performance of the products, engineers need to understand the roles of noise sources and all the possible transmission paths. Because of the large domain of the model, it is critical to have efficient solvers and robust technology that can account for the interactions between structures and fluids. The finite and infinite element based Multiphysics Simulation Software is intuitive and easy to implement because of the familiar technology of FEA. It is also easier to couple with structural finite element analysis codes, helping you solve coupled interaction between structures and fluids.

Few applications where acoustic modeling and vibrations are performed are interior & exterior vehicle acoustics, Powertrain, engine components, HVAC ducts, fans & pumps, electrical motors, mufflers, tire noise, silencers, sensors, sonar, flowmeters, speakers, mobile devices, microphones, mufflers, rooms and concert halls.

Additive Manufacturing

3D Printing: First Time Right

Additive Manufacturing (AM) has been successfully applied using both metals and plastics in the aerospace, automotive, bio-medical, tooling, and other applications. Additive manufacturing is the process of creating a 3D object by adding one or more materials on top of each other layer by layer.

Multiphysics Simulation software for Metal Additive Manufacturing – puts its focus on build simulation and subsequent steps including heat treatment, cutting the base plate, removing supports, and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). The process simulation solution addresses both manufacturers and researchers and their needs.

A challenge is that analyzing the additive manufacturing process while coupling the relevant physics can result in large model sizes and long computational times. To overcome this issue, several different simulation strategies, such as activating mesh properties, using adaptive remeshing, and performing sequential simulations.

Since additive manufacturing is a complex process, it can be difficult to study. This technique varies based on the materials involved and the specific type of additive manufacturing.

Multiple phase transformations

Transfer of energy, mass, and momentum







Autonomous Driving

The mobility revolution demands new simulation solutions. Multiphysics Simulation Software tools work together to address an industry-leading breadth of challenges in development and validation of driver assist systems to fully autonomous vehicles.

Industry uses

Aerospace & Defense

trainers and simulators, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)


driver assist systems, vehicle to vehicle interactions, traffic simulation, autonomous vehicles

Heavy Equipment

agricultural and mining equipment, trucks


intelligent highways, vehicle to infrastructure interactions, standards and certification

Chemical Engineering

The Multiphysics Simulation Software capabilities help in

Chemical Reaction Engineering

Battery Design


Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer



The Software solution includes functionality for creating, inspecting, and editing chemical equations, kinetic expressions, thermodynamic functions, and transport equations.

Modeling the batteries requires different levels of detail depending on the purpose of the simulations. This encompasses descriptions over a large range of scales, from the detailed structures in the battery's porous electrode to the battery pack scale including thermal management systems. The descriptions involve physics phenomena such as transport of charged and neutral species, charge balances, chemical and electrochemical reactions, Joule heating and thermal effects due to electrochemical reactions, heat transfer, fluid flow, and other physical phenomena that are important for the understanding of a battery system.

With Multiphysics Simulation Software, we can study the systems that include proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), hydroxide exchange (alkaline) fuel cells (AFCs), and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), as well as the corresponding water electrolyzer systems. The Software accommodates all types of fuel cells and electrolyzers.

The Multiphysics Simulation Software enables engineers and scientists to understand, optimize, and control electrodeposition processes using simulation. This is a cost-effective approach for investigating the influence of different parameters, including cell geometry, electrolyte composition, electrode reaction kinetics, operating voltages and currents, and temperature effects. A typical simulation yields the current distribution at the surface of the electrodes as well as the thickness and composition of the deposited layer. You can model various applications, such as the fabrication of electrical and thermal conductors and the electroforming of parts with thin complex shapes.

Modeling and simulation are powerful tools for understanding corrosion and designing and optimizing corrosion protection systems. The Multiphysics Simulation Software, enables engineers and scientists to effectively model corrosion processes and protection systems in an intuitive user interface. The modeling process is streamlined by the software's capacity to describe the transport processes in an electrolyte, including the transport of ions and neutral species as well as the balance of current in metal structures. Multiphysics Simulation Software also includes capabilities for describing in detail the charge transfer reactions that are responsible for corrosion occurring at electrolyte–metal surfaces.

The Multiphysics Simulation Software includes a thermodynamic database with electrode potentials and a selection of kinetic expressions for the most common redox reactions at these surfaces. The transport and reaction processes that describe corrosion and corrosion protection systems can be modeled in 1D, 2D, and 3D using the finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM).

Multiphysics Simulation Software, provides modeling and simulation tools for designing, understanding, and optimizing electrochemical systems. It can be used for fundamental studies of electrochemical applications such as cyclic voltammetry, waste water treatment, the desalination of seawater, and electrocatalysis. The primary analysis tasks that Multiphysics Simulation Software is used for are general electroanalysis, electrolysis, electrodialysis, and bioelectrochemistry analysis.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Utilizing CFD software has become an indispensable tool in reducing development costs by enabling users to quickly handle more realistic geometries and physics. The Multiphysics Simulation Software provides tools for modeling the cornerstones of fluid flow analyses, including as below

Laminar and Turbulent Flows

Internal and external flows

Incompressible and compressible flows

Free and porous media flows

Single-phase and multiphase flows

The Multiphysics Simulation Software provides you with the tools to model nonisothermal flow with conjugate heat transfer, reacting flow, fluid–structure interaction (FSI), and electrohydrodynamics (EHD). Additional multiphysics couplings can be added together in Multiphysics Simulation Software such as combining fluid flow with large structural deformations in FSI. The simulation environment looks the same regardless of what you are modeling.

Aerodynamic Analysis

Exterior body aerodynamics, interior air flow simulation, pressure drop calculation at inlet and exhaust manifolds, assessment of fan and rotor system design in order to develop fuel efficient and high performance vehicles.

Industrial equipment manufacturers use the Aerodynamic analysis to improve the design of key components such as turbines, fans, pumps and compressors to realize and improve the performance. Civil engineers and architects use to deliver computational fluid dynamic equations for evaluation of indoor air flow patterns, HVAC duct designing external wind loads on civil structures.

Steady & Unsteady Simulation

  • Quick turn-around time
  • Proven accuracy in absolute values, and trends Excellent tool for optimization studies to reduce drag.
  • Proven to provide as accurate results for unsteady simulation, yet has lower hardware constraints, and significantly shorter turn-around (hours instead of days)

Certain drive conditions require unsteady simulation

  • Vehicle Handling
  • Overtaking
  • Fleet Modeling
  • Aero-acoustics
  • Wheel Well Modeling etc.

Vehicle Soiling/Wading Soiling/Wading

  • Overset/VOF Simulation
  • VOF simulation with trunk open
  • Mature Process

State of the art tools

  • Discrete Multiphase Particles
  • Wall film to VOF
  • Overset grids for windshield wiper motion
  • Working on Validation

  • Modelling of Rivulets over vehicle
  • Rain Simulation

  • During wet conditions, visibility on the side window can be affected by the A-pillar design, as well as force of the wiper blade pushing water over the edge.
  • It is also desirable when the window is open a crack, water does not travel over the A-pillar and go into the vehicle
  • Through CFD rain particles can be simulated interacting with the vehicle. Particles can be tracked to check A-pillar design.
  • Wiper motion can be modeled explicitly, using overset grids, or, by use of body force to simulate the motion
  • Vehicle Thermal Management

    Vehicle Thermal Management Maturity stages

    Front End Air Flow

  • Top Tank Temperature Prediction
  • Automation
  • Brake Cooling

  • 30-60 Solids
  • Co-Simulation for disk
  • Local region
  • Exhaust System CHT

  • ~ 100 Solids
  • Exhaust System, hangers, heat shields, engine mounts Power Train Cooling
  • Full Engine CHT model
  • Induction System
  • Exhaust System
  • Oil Flow
  • Full Vehicle Thermal Management

  • Co-Simulation
  • 4000 Solid Components
  • Includes Drive Cycle Simulation via Ports
  • Important Technologies in vehicle thermal management

    Front End Air Flow

  • Heat exchanger top tank temperature
  • Either dual stream or single stream heat exchangers
  • Fan Simulation
  • MRF or Body Forces
  • Solid Modeling

  • Conjugate Heat Transfer Important
  • Part contact/interfaces between solids important in determining heat transfer
  • Radiation

  • Important to have uniform flow for maximum performance
  • Short catalysts light off timing important during heat up
  • Solution: Exhaust CHT to predict catalyst light off
  • Battery Simulation

  • Heat source in the engine compartment
  • Cooling during thermal cycles is important for traditional car batteries to electric vehicles.
  • Exhaust System

  • Catalysts are one of the hottest surfaces in the engine compartment
  • Location of heat shields around exhaust important
  • Exhaust pipe temperature important
  • Engine

  • Heat source comes from In-cylinder combustion.
  • Modeling solids/coolant correctly determines block/head temperatures
  • Rotating Parts: Drive train

  • Radiation needs to consider surfaces rotating
  • Co-Simulation

  • Key part enabling long drive cycle simulation in reasonable amount of time.
  • Drive cycle simulations
  • Cabin Simulation

    Thermal comfort De-icing and defogging

    Duct optimization

  • To reduce the pressure drop
  • To Increase flow uniformity at the inlet of Evaporator
  • To reduce the temperature maldistribution at the outlet
  • Thermal Mixing simulation

  • Generating response surface Using DOE
  • Acoustic

  • Predicting noise generation in HVAC duct
  • Propagation on noise in cabin
  • Powertrain Analysis

    Combines work done by below individual analysis to accurately predict metal temperature
    • Coolant circuit
    • Oil circuit
    • Crank case breathing
    • Piston cooling
    • In Cylinder simulation
    • Exhaust manifold, exhaust port
    • Engine thermal prediction
    • Turbochargers

    Transmission Simulation

    • Applications as
      1. Oil Slosh: Gearbox, Hydraulic Reservoir
      2. Gears: Planetary, Screw, Pinion etc
      3. Bearings
      4. Clutch Plate
      5. Torque Converter
      Can be addressed.
    Different Operating Conditions
    • Flooding
      1. Leakage into transmission
    • Thermal Fatigue Stress
      1. Operating Load Point
      2. Heat up or Cool Down
      3. Drive Cycle
    There are further applications in Transmission to apply our tool.
    • Splash lubrication simulation
    • Wet Clutch Plate Simulation

    Heat Transfer Analysis

    We provide heat transfer solutions for engineering and industrial equipment through CFD simulation. The goal is to provide engineers in assessing the thermal compatibility and performance of the devices. Knowing the information on heating and cooling of the associated flow field, design engineers can improve the thermal management of the product significantly. Our analysts reduce the development time significantly by providing key insights through heat transfer studies so that modifications in the design can be applied well before production, providing significant cost and time savings.

    Using, Multiphysics Simulation Software CFD engineers provide insights on cooling system for automobiles and help in improving the design of radiators as well as improve the efficiency of air conditioning system by simulating the air flow and associated temperature inside the cabin.

    For industrial equipment such as heat exchangers, heat sinks, burners and boilers, our simulation solutions help design engineers to predict thermal compatibility and heat transfer characteristics through conjugate heat transfer studies.


    Engineered Composites have actually been in use for thousands of years. Adobe bricks were made using a composite of mud and straw. It is the combination of the physical properties of each material that gives the composite material many of its physical characteristics. Today’s advanced composites, like carbon fiber, bring together combined properties we’ve come to know – lightweight, strong, durable and heat-resistant. Today, the benefits of components and products designed and produced in composite materials – instead of metals, such as aluminum and steel – are well recognized by many industries.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software extensive solution capabilities in composites help to analyze and enhance complex composite designs. The tools offered by Multiphysics Simulation Software are ideal for numerous types of composites, namely, advanced composites, sandwich panels, plastics, nano composites, hard metals and more.

    A composite material is a heterogeneous material composed of two or more integrated constituents for enhanced structural performance. The Multiphysics Simulation Software brings you specialized modeling tools and functionality for analyzing layered composite structures. Layered composite materials, such as fiber-reinforced polymers, laminated plates, and sandwich panels, are widely used in manufacturing aircraft components, spacecraft components, wind turbine blades, automobile components, buildings, boat hulls, bicycles, and safety equipment.

    Additionally, you can extend your models to include heat transfer, electromagnetics, fluid flow, acoustics, and piezoelectric effects — all within the same simulation environment.

    Design optimization

    Product design and development requires that engineers consider trade-offs between product attributes in the areas of cost, weight, manufacturability, quality, and performance. Engineers are faced with the difficult challenge of determining how to arrive at the best overall design, making the right compromises, and not sacrificing critical attributes like safety.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software offers a complete set of solutions for optimization, ranging from use of gradient based optimization methods, like sizing, shape and topology optimizations, or calculation of response surfaces, to a broader process management to analyze and optimize designs across multiple disciplines. These solutions can be integrated with third party optimizers as well to provide you solutions that mold to your requirements.

    Starting with an objective function to improve and a set of design variables to change, along with an optional set of constraints, the software will search for an optimal design. Any inputs to the model — whether they be geometric dimensions, part shapes, material properties, or material distribution — can be treated as design variables, and any model output can be used as the objective function, which is then minimized or maximized.

    Electric and Electromagnetic Analysis

    Multiphysics Simulation Software provides you with a wide range of modeling features and numerical methods for investigating electromagnetic fields and EMI/EMC by solving Maxwell's equations.

    It provides capabilities to analyze Electric Currents, Electrostatics, Magnetostatics, Electromagnetic Fields, Rotating Machinery, Electric Circuits,

    Multiphysics Simulation Software helps in modeling nonequilibrium and equilibrium discharges, which occur in a wide range of engineering disciplines. Developed to handle arbitrary systems, the Multiphysics Simulation Software provides predefined settings for modeling direct current (DC) discharges, inductively coupled plasmas (ICP), microwave plasmas, capacitively coupled plasmas (CCP), combinations of ICP and CCP, and corona discharges. Multiphysics Simulation Software provides dedicated features for the analysis of semiconductor device operation at the fundamental physics level. A range of common device types can be simulated with the Multiphysics Simulation Software, including bipolar transistors, metal–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFETs), metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), Schottky diodes, p–n junctions, solar cells, and more.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software includes features designed to model interactions of electromagnetic waves and semiconductor materials. Typical modeling devices are photodiodes, LEDs, and laser diodes. In addition, the Multiphysics Simulation Software makes it possible to employ user-defined equations and expressions in the modeling process.

    Fatigue and Durability

    One of the most challenging tasks of design and development process is prediction of failure over time. Without knowledge of how a structure might fail, it is harder to improve its safety performance. Physical testing for all possible failure scenarios can be cost prohibitive. Durability analysis from finite element models is becoming increasingly accepted in the design process. The analysis is no longer limited to fatigue life calculations - output can now include safe working stresses, warranty claim curves, and the effects of high temperatures, manufacturing processes and assembly stresses.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software offers a range of solutions for FE based durability and fatigue problems that enable accurate prediction of product life under any combination of time-dependent or frequency-dependent loading conditions.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software is used for performing fatigue analyses when structures are subjected to repeated loading and unloading. These analyses can be simulated in solid bodies, plates, shells, multibody systems, applications involving thermal stress and deformation, and even piezoelectric devices.

    The capabilities include, but are not limited to, the classical stress- and strain-based and stress- and strain-life models that are suitable for evaluating the high-cycle fatigue (HCF) and low-cycle fatigue (LCF) regimes. The Simulation Software can be used to study and further expand its multiphysics capabilities, such as modeling thermal expansion or full elastoplastic fatigue.

    Multibody dynamics (MBD)

    Our advanced motion analysis products enable engineers to easily simulate and test virtual prototypes of mechanical systems in a fraction of the time and cost required for physical build and test.

    A multibody dynamic (MBD) system is one that consists of solid bodies, or links, that are connected to each other by joints that restrict their relative motion. The study of MBD is the analysis of how mechanism systems move under the influence of forces, also known as forward dynamics. A study of the inverse problem, i.e. what forces are necessary to make the mechanical system move in a specific manner is known as inverse dynamics.

    Different types of motion analysis like Rigid and flexible multi body systems, vehicular cornering, steering, quasi-static, coupled control analysis etc, can be performed.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software provides an advanced set of tools for designing and optimizing 2D and 3D multibody systems using finite element analysis (FEA). The Software has the ability to simulate mixed systems of flexible and rigid bodies to find the critical components in a system, all while saving computational effort. This enables you to perform more detailed component-level structural analyses in major application areas, such as automotive engineering, aerospace engineering, biomechanics, and more.

    The Software includes built-in multiphysics couplings that include acoustic–structure, solid–bearing, and fluid–multibody interactions. The multiphysics capabilities make it possible to combine multibody dynamics with other physical effects, such as advanced heat transfer, fluid flow, acoustics, and electromagnetics. You can further extend your modeling to include nonlinear structural materials and CAD import functionality.

    Noise & Vibration

    Improve the acoustic performance of your products with the multidisciplinary approach of N&V studies

    NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness) or N&V (Noise and Vibration), this problem is one of the most often directly perceived quality traits of a product, and is therefore one of the most sought after targets for performance by the product development team to help differentiate themselves from competition.

    With leading FEA and MBD (multi body dynamics) capabilities from Multiphysics Simulation Software, users can simulate and predict how a component or system will vibrate under varying operating conditions; for example how a driver or passenger of a car driving down the road can perceive the engine sound at cruising speed or under acceleration and at the same time perceive the feel and the noise generated as the car runs over a pot hole. Some examples of noise & vibration analysis include wind noise, exhaust, fan, interior cabin, engine, suspension etc .

    Nonlinear analysis

    All physical processes are inherently nonlinear to a certain extent. For example, when you stretch a rubber band, it gets harder to pull as the deflection increases; or when you flex a paper clip, permanent deformation is achieved. Several common every day applications like these exhibit either large deformations and/or inelastic material behavior. Failure to account for nonlinear behavior can lead to product failures, safety issues, and unnecessary cost to product manufacturers.

    Many materials have a nonlinear stress–strain relationship, particularly at higher stress and strain levels. When analyzing objects made of such materials, accounting for these nonlinearities is essential. The Multiphysics Simulation Software contains dozens of material models to support the modeling of a wide range of solid materials.

    Nonlinear response could be caused by any of several characteristics of a system, like large deformations and strains, material behavior or the effect of contact or other boundary condition nonlinearities. In reality many structures exhibit combinations of these various nonlinearities. Multiphysics Simulation Software provides solutions to help you simulate accurately and efficiently systems with any or all of the nonlinearities, with applications encompassing multiple industries. The software is specifically developed for materials common in geotechnical applications, such as soils and rocks.

    Industrial use cases include brakes, suspension, welding, riveting, sealing, sheet metal forming, landing gear, tire, exhaust systems, wing structures, etc

    Process Automation

    The original promise of CAE was to eliminate physical prototypes and tests, yet nearly 50 years into the journey physical prototypes are still key milestones in almost every design program. The reason why comes down to confidence; many engineers and their management simply don’t trust that they get reliable results using CAE. Simulation technology is not the problem; most companies have demonstrated that when best practices are followed, results are consistent and correlate well with the physical world. Inconsistency in the application of CAE technology leads to variability in results.

    Automation is the key to improving consistency. In manufacturing, automation was the key to improving product quality – and it will be in CAE as well. At the same time, automation cannot discourage creativity or compromise flexibility; CAE engineers need to be able to exercise professional judgement.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software provides tools for automation of CAE processes that capture knowledge and best practices, and can be used to automate any step in the simulation process, even across multiple disciplines. Our interactive environment for authoring best practice “templates” is easy to learn & use for everyone from casual user to expert analyst. Our templates are also flexible, allowing the end user to execute them step-by-step, fully automated, or anything in between.

    Rotor Dynamics

    The field of Rotor Dynamics is concerned with study of dynamic and stability characteristics of the rotating machinery and plays an important role in the improving safety and performance of the entire systems that they are part of.

    As the rotational velocity of an object increases, its level of vibration often passes through a ‘critical speed’, commonly excited by unbalance of the rotating structure. If the amplitude of vibration at these critical speeds is excessive, catastrophic failure can occur. Internal makeup of turbomachinery can lead to such instabilities, which need to be understood to avoid catastrophic failure during operation. Engineers who design large rotors are challenged to design safe rotating machinery using physical prototypes and tests alone because of high costs and time requirements.

    When designing machinery with rotating parts, it is of great importance that the effects of spinning are captured correctly. Accurate simulations help engineers better determine how to avoid system breakdown and failure, as well as how to best optimize operation and performance. Multiphysics Simulation Software, is specifically designed for performing simulations of rotating machinery, providing the capabilities needed for such decision-making.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software Rotor Dynamics solution provides a highly accurate and reliable rotor dynamics solution that enables engineers to simulate the behavior of rotating machinery. Using Multiphysics Simulation Software, engineers are able to predict critical speed and evaluate the effects of instabilities on virtual prototypes, saving time and money while improving safety.

    Simulation Process and Data Management

    Increased use of simulation in product design and development has enabled companies identify problems early in the design cycle, and helped drive innovation at a lower cost. At the same time, simulation use has led to creation of enormous amount of data, which is not optimally stored for reuse in future, leading to increased cost in data maintenance and recovery. More than any other engineering process, simulation generates significant amount of data, which needs to be maintained and retrieved efficiently in order to gain full benefit from simulation. Simulation data is one of the most important assets to be managed, as it plays a key role in design decision making process.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software offers a process and data management solution that is uniquely tuned to address simulation requirements. The system is designed to handle the volume and complexity of the simulation data for FEA, CFD and other computationally intensive methods that are growing by orders of magnitude. The web-based capabilities of Multiphysics Simulation Software, ensure faster deployments, easy extension into new domains and broad scale usability.

    The Model Manager from Multiphysics Simulation Software simplifies and streamlines modeling and simulation work by providing tools for managing models and apps. This includes simulation data management and ways to collaborate and centrally organize models with version control that systematically tracks changes and updates to models. The Model Manager supports the use of a local database as well as the ability to connect to a remote server database.

    There are options for efficiently storing models and apps, with only relevant data of drafts and revisions, as well as auxiliary data such as CAD, mesh, and experimental data. Finding models and apps in the Model Manager is aided by user-defined tags for organizing the files and the ability to search for certain features or parameters. Access to models can be controlled with user groups and permissions.

    Structural Analysis

    Multiphysics Simulation Software provides a family of high performance solutions for FEA that meet the needs of experienced experts and designers, new engineers, and everyone in between. These solutions help companies meet their business challenges by helping engineers gain deeper insight in their products through virtual testing. Engineers using Multiphysics Simulation Software's structural analysis programs are able to evaluate many different types of designs, giving high confidence that the final design will successfully meet prescribed requirements before the physical product is built.

    From single components to large complex systems, from linear static to highly non-linear dynamic problems, Multiphysics Simulation Software structural analysis capabilities are built to grow with your business, optimize your cost of ownership, and support you in achieving your goals.

    The Multiphysics Simulation Software includes modeling features and functionality for solid mechanics and materials modeling and the modeling of dynamics and vibrations, shells, beams, contact, fractures, and more. Application areas include mechanical engineering, civil engineering, geomechanics, biomechanics, and MEMS devices.

    Multiphysics Simulation Software offers built-in multiphysics couplings that include thermal stress, fluid–structure interaction, and piezoelectricity. Multiphysics Simulation Software product suite allows for advanced heat transfer, fluid flow, acoustic, and electromagnetics effects and enables specialized materials modeling and CAD import functionality.

    Systems & Controls

    Most of the products we rely on today are actually mechatronic systems comprised of mechanical components; pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical control subsystems; and electronic control units. Engineering these complex systems is a true multidiscipline design challenge that is often not fully tested and validated until late in the product development process, leading to costly design changes.

    Traditional "build & test" methods and isolated tools for the virtual prototyping of mechanical, electrical, or controls systems neglect important interactions between disciplines, leading to incomplete or inaccurate results. Multiphysics Simulation Software's multidiscipline simulation solutions allow engineers to validate and optimize complete mechatronic system performance, improve product quality, and save time and money by avoiding late design changes.

    Thermal Analysis

    Multiphysics Simulation Software's thermal simulation solutions enable you to model thermal responses including all the modes of heat transfer, namely conduction, convection and radiation. Radiation view factors, critical for radiated energy flow calculations can be computed internally or imported from third party vendors providing options to our users. Additionally, both material properties and boundary conditions could be varied based on local temperatures, and can be modeled accurately and elegantly within Multiphysics Simulation Software's products.

    The objective of a thermal study is often to understand the response and performance of a structure. Based on the modeling needs, chained or coupled analysis can be performed by engineers to study temperature variations and effects on structural behavior, both in terms of the stress response and failure. The multi-physics capabilities that involve thermal response can be extended further to include Joule heating and electromagnetic effects for a better representation of physical behavior.


    Aerospace & Defence

    Aerospace and defense companies are under constant pressure to design, develop and deliver advanced products, on time, under tight budget constraints. They must meet growing demand, improve quality, cut costs, comply safety and regulations norms, manage complex global supply chains, and support customers in the field. Engineering is the prime driver and successful in addressing all these areas. Yet right engineering and technical talent is in short supply, and many senior staff is projected to retire over the next few years. Where can aerospace and defense companies find the proper engineering resources to innovate, leverage new technologies& approaches, and enhance their competitive position.

    Our Approach and solutions to the aerospace industry spans both the commercial and defense sector customers. Working together with our clients, we provide engineering and design for structural components, for interior components to enhance passenger comfort and safety, as well as FEA and CFD analysis.

    Raynumeric provides solutions to applications like predicting aerodynamics of aircraft, design optimization at fuselage, complete automation of meshing, aerodynamics of helicopters and UAV’s, validations of such configurations, optimization of combustor, thermal design, simulation of regulating shut off valve, optimization of inlet plenum, strut cooling, vane end wall optimization, cooling of mid turbine structure, Kinematics of landing gear & wing flaps, body and fuselage, hydraulic controls, fluid structure interaction, thermal and heat transfer, vibration analysis and many more…


    The global automotive industry is diversifying with newer product lines, improved technologies and witnessing cut-throat competition. The phase is of challenges, be it in product innovation or sustainable differentiators in mechanism and functioning. Modern and innovative product designs at affordable cost and reduced time-to-market are the important driving factors for the fiercely competitive automotive industry.

    We at Raynumeric, maintain the competency and the capability to deliver most accurate solutions to the automotive industry’s dynamic engineering and design needs. Ever since inception, we have been involved with many challenging global automotive engineering projects. Successful execution of these, both at OEM and Tier-1 and Tier-2 supplier level, has leveraged our position of being a reliable CAD, CAE, Rapid Prototyping and Reverse Engineering solutions & service provider to automotive industries. We are recognized as one-stop-shop for all types of automotive product design and simulation needs.

    Raynumeric provides solutions to applications like under hood analysis of passenger car and trucks, In cylinder combustion, optimization of turbocharger & torque converter, external aerodynamics, HVAC simulation, fuel tank sloshing, aeroacoustics simulation of side mirror, piston cooling, battery thermal management, painting & e-coating, air filter, car wading, SCR Simulations, vehicle dynamics, tire analysis, weight optimization, suspension systems, hydroplaning and many more…

    Consumer Products

    The consumer products industry is fast paced, with ever-changing consumer preferences and highly competitive marketplace forcing companies to be innovative, while keeping the costs down. Challenges for these organizations include meeting the changing demands of customers, maneuvering through a consolidating market, and executing strategies to grow profitably.With shorter development cycles, companies increasing rely on simulation to perform the numerous tests required to ensure optimal performance of the products.

    At Raynumeric, our engineering simulation and reliability capabilities help speed up product development design while managing the risk of failures.

    We at Raynumeric, having a thorough understanding of the mechatronic domain & system simulation provide the solutions to the challenges. Customers get to benefit from our technologies and solutions for the functionalities improvement, cost reduction, value engineering, feature improvement, trouble shooting, regulatory compliances and enhance efficiency.

    Raynumeric provides solutions to applications like vibration analysis, structural analysis, composite material modeling, thermal and heat transfer, coupled analysis, durability and fatigue for products like household goods, HVAC, vacuum cleaners, toys, packages and many more…


    Ever since the silicon-born semiconductor technology came into being in 1947, the consumer electronics industry has been constantly developing and advancing. Of late, silicon-based devices has witnessed exciting developments at a fast pace. The competition in the turf has spiked big investment and innovation. The acceleration is attributed to novel processing and patterning technologies and nanotechnology has enabled miniaturization and reduced costs.

    Though silicon has remained the sole option in electronics for the last several years, recent landmark changes in nanotechnology and materials-engineering triggered a new track for electronics. OEMs are increasingly integrating advanced electronic components into electronic devices due to the growing use of smart manufacturing technologies and processes.

    We at Raynumeric, constantly upgrade to address the electronic industry’s engineering and design needs, maintain the competency and the capability to deliver most accurate solutions. At Raynumeric, we provide solutions to applications like drop and impact testing, vibration analysis, thermal analysis, electronic cooling, for products like circuit boards, heat sinks, drives and many more …

    Energy & Utilities

    The Energy and Utilities industry plays a key role in the global economy. The industry also faces severe challenges such as tighter regulations governing climate change and emission norms. There is a driving force for renewable and alternate energy sources such as nuclear power, wind, solar, bio fuels etc. to meet growing power demand keeping in mind the climate change. Using these alternate energy sources to progressively meet demand and maintain load balancing, requires significant technology expertise in power generation and grid technology.

    Raynumeric has been helping global industry majors develop next generation products and technologies for several years. As a global partner of choice to industry majors, we help our customers use simulation based technologies and designs, to address complex engineering problems. We offer solutions to Energy and Utility engineering organizations in oil and gas, smart grids, micro grids and power equipment, the renewable energy industry, comprising alternative energy and sustainable energy companies, including hydroelectric power, wind power, nuclear power and solar power generation.

    Raynumeric provides solutions to applications like wind turbine simulations, separation efficiency prediction in gas−solid cyclone separators, flow stability in vertical rotating disc MOCVD reactors, catalytic converters, thermochemical and aerodynamic processes in the furnace of boilers, simulation of filters for efficient pressure drop, chillers, fuel cells, and many more…


    Raynumeric offers a wide range of services for customers in the machinery sector, encompassing everything from concept studies to complete systems development. Customers in machinery sector include many companies from manufacturing, engineering, process and other consumer goods organizations where complex design and engineering skills are required for product development.With our in-depth knowledge of technical expertise, experiences from previous projects and knowledge of regulations and standards, we have the capability to work both on site in clients' projects and to take up complete development assignments.

    Innovative products are the core to success in the machinery and industrial market. The challenges of faster time to market, while improving quality, well differentiated and positioned, is being addresses by Raynumeric team. From design, engineering, we are combining our expertise with that of our clients to creatively use information and apply newer technology and approach to optimize their product realization process.

    Raynumeric provides solutions to applications like agricultural solid handling (DEM), gears, bearings, wind turbines, power equipments, robots, fans & blowers, gas & steam turbines, pumps, conveyors, compressors, turbochargers, torque converters, blowers, belts, chains, drying and spray drying, mixing, refrigeration, heat exchangers, valves, food processing and many more …


    Healthcare is an essential, dynamic, and opportunity-rich industry. The demand for research and innovation to drive simultaneous improvement in health outcomes, affordability, quality, and access will continue to increase. Healthcare comprises hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance and medical equipment.

    The impact of digital technology and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML)-driven change will go up. Technology leaders are investing billions of R&D dollars into their platforms to create services easily usable across a range of customers and for a range of applications (for example, predictive analytics) that accelerate innovation.

    Our consulting services and solutions are used by medical device companies during the design process to predict mechanical performance, durability, stress, and fatigue of medical products using computational modeling and analysis methods.

    Raynumeric team provides solutions in performance recording software, virtual tutors, patient simulators, anatomical models etc. Biomedical engineers use our software and services to design and simulate orthopedic products, dental implants, human modeling, pacemakers, vascular implants etc.


    Raynumeric has been pioneered as one of the most versatile marine system design consultancy firm. Our Engineers are rich in blend of innovations as well as Engineering domain experience. We start with understanding your business needs and goals, then the early stages of Design research, planning, conceptualization and later on follow the entire path till project completion. With a track record of executing and delivering projects with quality standards, we provide reliable simulation based engineering services to help our clients succeed. As a one stop shop for CAE engineering services, we are committed to achieve excellence in every project we execute.

    We have the most innovative as well as technically competent multi-disciplinary team of transportation designers, naval architects, exterior stylists, product visualisers, 3D Design Engineers and FE analysts, with expertise in design, simulation of sport boats, leisure boats, fishing boats, luxury yachts, barges, crane barges and other marine transportation systems.

    Raynumeric provides solutions to applications like resistance modeling, sea keeping, propulsion simulation, maneuvering, free trim and sink, cavitation, ventilation capturing and wake flow analysis etc, serving industries like off-shore vessels & platform, high speed motor boats, military vehicles, offshore wind turbine, cargo vessels, cruise ships and many more…

    Co-simulation (Multi Physics Environment)

    Co-simulation provides engineers with a unique, more complete & holistic performance insight by coupling together multiple simulation disciplines. Everything from acoustics to multibody dynamics (MBD), to CFD, to structural analysis, and explicit crash dynamics can be connected together in Multiphysics Simulation Software.

    Depending on the type of analysis, engineers can use Multiphysics Simulation Software solutions in two ways – Co-Simulation (applying multiple physics to the model simultaneously) or Chained Simulation (passing load case results from one analysis to the next).


    The multiphysics capabilities are virtually unlimited, Multiphysics Simulation Software supports truly real time coupled simulations, as in Structure mechanics with fluid flow, conjugate heat transfer, fluid structure interaction (FSI), electromagnetics, reacting flow, electrohydrodynamics (EHD), acoustics, and many more.